Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Annual retreat

Happy Hour in the Third Floor Rec Room kicked off our annual combined regional/retirement retreat. Amidst pigs-in-blankets and Swedish meatballs, the community met De La Salle Br. Jim Zullo who will accompany us on our Emmaus Walk.

I attended a retreat by Br. Jim two years ago and he is one of the best. While he has a basic format, he takes great pains to tailor the presentation to the specific composition and situation of the retreatants. This morning's talk reintroduced us to the familiar Emmaus story in Luke's gospel, but it was done in a slow, reflective manner, projected on the screen with accompanying works of art. Then he presented the schema for the rest of the week.

The disciples story gets transformed by the stranger's invitation to go deeper into their situation. They encounter scripture and this intersects their story to reveal THE story (Jesus passion & resurrection). Hospitality leads to a shared meal leads to the breaking of bread. Their eyes are opened as they experience a spiritual awakening, seeing things through new eyes.

This overwhelming experience impels them to rise, despite the
late hour and darkness, and return to Jerusalem, from whence they had fled in fear and disappointment.

Then Jim helped us reflect on where we as Maryknollers are today and how we represent the three very different aspects of Church and theology depending on when we were trained and entered religious

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