Thursday, November 19, 2009

Don't call 911 tonight!

FIREFIGHTERS and EMT workers from the Greater Ossining area will enjoy a spaghetti dinner in our dining room and a tour of our main building tonight here at Mother Knoll. The brainchild of Fr. Dick Callahan (Treasury), this informal gathering allows the men and women who come to our aid and save our lives on a regular basis (like at least twice a month) the opportunity to visit us under less urgent circumstances.

In addition to meeting Maryknollers when we are not in a prone position, turning blue, incoherent or comatose, the firefighters and emergency workers will get a walk-around to acquaint themselves with all the crooks and nannies of Emerald City (and yes, I am aware of the Spoonerism).

Having myself been on the receiving end of their expert care when I was rushed to Phelps last February with my then still undiagnosed rectus sheath hemotoma, I am grateful for their good work and happy that this time I will not be writhing in pain and screaming unseemly epithets at the top of my sacerdotal lungs.

Mayhaps at least one ambulance and firetruck will be parked outside during their visit, so no need to dial 911 or 4444. In case of emergency, just go to the window and shout.

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