Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Week Vocation Retreat

One sure sign of the End Times was seeing 25 guys at Morning Prayer today. Even if you subtract the 13 men here for the discernment retreat, that still means 12 Society members deigned to gather for the Liturgy of the Hours. Surely the End is near.

It was great welcoming the retreatants from all over the country (world, actually, if you count the one from India and Nigeria, and don't consider Texas a foreign country.)

Their presence here since last evening certainly interjected energy into our community and lowered the average age down to about 43 from its current 77.

The guys represent various backgrounds: lawyer, army captain, opera singer, parish administrator, personal trainer, college students and even high school seniors.

Speaking of Call To Action (?), there were indeed many phone calls --about 515-- from those supporting Fr. Roy Bourgeois and asking our superior general to reconsider the formal dismissal for breaking his vow of obedience by continuing to publicly speak out on behalf of women's ordination.

Which brings us to Holy Thursday and the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood. Although my observation stands: if woman cannot be priests because not was present at the Last Supper, why do they receive Communion?

I guess consistency is not a characteristic of contemporary Carholicism.

Sent from my most excellent iPhone

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