The latest buzz circulating around the salad bar here at Maryknoll, NY. This blog does not represent the Maryknoll Society or views other than the totally subjective and shamelessly biased opinion of the blogger.
Monday, November 30, 2009
My oldest MK connection?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Seminary shift
Brooklyn and Bishop Murphy of Rockville Centre are near agreement on combining their three seminaries.
Dunwoodie would close, but still under discussion is whether to move Douglaston or Hungtington.
Dunwoodie has suffered from declining enrollment and my source says Rome has been none too pleased by their "more Roman than thou" (my words) atmosphere. [OK, to be fair, apparently the quality of theology offered at DW left something to be desired. Like quality theology.] Plus as bishop in Milwaukee Dolan showed he is not averse to closing seminaries.
All of which re-raises the question: whatever became of the evaluation of our program at CTU? Are we getting our "money's worth"? What happened to all those assessments done of CTU by our seminarians over the years?
Former rector Fr. Larry Lewis informally suggested if we wanted our candidates closer to home, Hungtington would be a better choice than either Dunwoodie or Douglaston.
The question remains: is CTU the best venue to prepare our men for both ministry and mission? Might not our mission charism become clearer if our guys studied alongside diocesan seminarians?
Douglaston, Dunwoodie and Huntington all have their share of foreign candidates actively recruited overseas by their bishops. But that is grist for another mill.
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Huffington Post: 10,000 Albinos In Hiding After Killings
NAIROBI, Kenya --- The mistaken belief that albino body parts have magical powers has driven thousands of Africa's albinos into hiding, fearful of losing their... |
Please click on the above for the full story. Can any of our men in Tanzania or Kenya add to this disturbing development?
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Attitude of gratitude
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Awaiting Roman largesse
Monday, November 23, 2009
40 Hours of Prayer & Remembrance
To participate, please e-mail your name, location and hour of prayer (using EST) to Please write "AIDS Vigil" in the subject line of your e-mail.
P.O. Box 29132
Washington, DC 20017
Some news at lunch today
Fr. Ed Szendrey reports a mystery leak in the main sacristy on the first floor, which had apparently dripped down through Health Services on the second floor making quite a mess, which in turn came from someplace on the third floor C-Wing, perhaps Fr. Tom Mc Donnell's room. Tom has been away since his remedial surgery and then the sudden death of his brother Martin who died while driving up to see Tom. Please pray for them.
Fr. Mike Duggan, newly elected U.S. regional superior, will be the main celebrant and homilist at our Thanksgiving liturgy this afternoon. Ed will be cantor in Mike's place. Please pray for them.
What with the new (?) changes in the English Mass due in 2010, renowned liturgical composer Michael Joncas (of "On Eagle's Wings" fame) may have to make adjustments to the Gloria of the Mass he has composed for Maryknoll's 100th anniversary. Ms. Lucille Naughton, once and future choir director and our main contact with Joncas, is having a few Maryknollers over to her house this week to listen to the new Mass.
Thanksgiving predux
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Guests: threat or menace?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Don't call 911 tonight!
In addition to meeting Maryknollers when we are not in a prone position, turning blue, incoherent or comatose, the firefighters and emergency workers will get a walk-around to acquaint themselves with all the crooks and nannies of Emerald City (and yes, I am aware of the Spoonerism).
Having myself been on the receiving end of their expert care when I was rushed to Phelps last February with my then still undiagnosed rectus sheath hemotoma, I am grateful for their good work and happy that this time I will not be writhing in pain and screaming unseemly epithets at the top of my sacerdotal lungs.
Mayhaps at least one ambulance and firetruck will be parked outside during their visit, so no need to dial 911 or 4444. In case of emergency, just go to the window and shout.
Back to the liturgical future
Goodbye, "And also with you." Hello (again) to the traditional "And with your spirit" (whatever the hell that means. Nevermind, it's faithful to the Latin and that's all that matters.)
To be fair, some (re)translations are beautiful and more prayerful IMHO, as in "Behold, the Lamb of God..." As well as "...Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb." The people then respond with the more Scriptural (but out of place) "Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof..."
The confiteor reinstitutes, "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault" and the creed goes back to "Credo in unum Deum" by translating "I (no longer "we") believe in one God..."
The cup has been replaced by chalice. Christ sheds his blood for "the many" and no longer for "all" (that'll show 'em!).
There are many other changes that have been made but neither you nor I could bear it now. Suffice it to say that while hunger, poverty, war and disease vanquish our planet, the good prelates in charge of liturgical propriety have been busy at work.
For those of us who remember the initial changes following Vatican II, we'll have a profound sense of déjà vu all over again. "Plus ça change, plus sont les même chose."
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wayne wins!
Wayne's election must be validated by Rome, but since Br. Frank Ten Hoopen was accepted as First Assistant in Africa, we are not expecting any obstacle.
Another ballot will go out to elect the Second Assistant, with results due in mid December.
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Fr. Michael speaks
An opponent of Apartheid, Lapsley lost both hands and an eye when a letter bomb exploded. He has dedicated his life to helping victims of violence become victors through the "Healing of Memories."
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Laughing with God
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Teachable moment
Friday, November 13, 2009
Come, giving thanks
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The end of the world—again
Our own St. Damien
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Under the weather
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Battle of the blogs
It all started when Mr. Paul Vitello, who covers the (VERY meager, IMHO) religion section of the TImes posted a light-hearted (read: condescending) piece about Dolan's new blog.
His Eminence immediately returned the favor by blasting the NYT for its piling on the RC Church in what many believe is open season on the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. He gave several examples, notably last week's scathing column by Ms. Maureen Dowd criticizing the US bishops for their Grand Inquisition (my words) of women religious.
Far be it from me to insert myself in this blogger brawl (yeah, right), but to be fair, both sides have merit.
The Cathoic Church is very old, very big and very powerful. It has a right and duty to speak out on the cultural and social issues of the day. But if it does so, it should not start whining like a pouty school girl when society or the secular media pushes back.
For its part, the secular media has a right and obligation to critcize what it sees as hypocracy or duplicity on the part of the Church. But it does itself or its arguments or audiences a great disservice when they only criticize but never commend the many good things the Church does.
Indeed, mean-spirited and gratuitous attacks on the Church only water down legitimate criticisms.
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Saturday, November 7, 2009
Pax Nobiscom
Friday, November 6, 2009
Good grief!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tag, we're it!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Kaiden Michael Mack, R.I.P.
Congratulations to Rob Astorino
2009 Election results (Updated 12:30 a.m. EST)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mini election
How will the voters at Maryknoll (roughly 600 registered!) vote, given conflicting currents? They over-whelmingly voted for Obama last year (103 to 21) and are heavily Democratic, but Astorino is the nephew of our own Fr. Bob Astorino (Hong Kong). In addition, he and Spano effectively dilute the Italian voting block. (My father always advised me to vote for the candidate with a vowel at the end of his/her name.)
If I could only figure out what part of Italy Spano's ancestors came from, my right hand won't whither when I vote for Republican Astorino.
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Monday, November 2, 2009
Stirring the liturgical pot
15. The position of the concelebrants should not obscure the fact that only one Bishop or one priest presides over the whole celebration. Furthermore, the position of the concelebrants should not usurp the positions or limit the functioning of other liturgical ministers. Unless it is unavoidable, concelebrants should not impede the full view of the assembly, since members of the congregation are called upon to kneel at various times during Mass.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Cardinal 2 visit
Maryknoll is perfectly situated geographically for such an event as the archdiocese stretches from Staten Island to north of Newburgh.
Ms. Betsey Guest from our media relations office will be on hand and many Orbis publications will be available for sale, as well as other mission-related items from our gift shop. Between these, our Visitors Center and our veteran missioners, we may be able to stoke the flames of overseas mission among these new teachers.
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