Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wi (No) Fi at Maryknoll?

SECURITY precautions, say our men and women in IT, prevent them from offering Wi Fi at the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers. Nevermind that the Sisters have it across the street, we have stricter standards. But more frustrating is our current web policy that blocks YouTube and Facebook.

Now, get ready to go Down-the-Rabbit-Hole: Maryknoll regularly posts on YouTube and Facebook----we're just not allowed to access it ourselves at Maryknoll. Even the Holy Father posts on YouTube. (Or is that the secret reason why we are officially blocked from seeing it?)

IT insists they are just following IT auditors' policies, which are set by the General Council who, in turn, get their advice from IT. ("Here," the Duchess told Alice, "it takes all the running you can do just to stay in one place. If you want to get anywhere, you have to go twice as fast.")

Father Dave LaBuda, a techie in his own right, suggested we contract through DirectTV, our TV provider, to put up a couple of Wi-Fi routers in the main building. But apparently this is way too simple a solution so committees must form and meetings must be held.

Wi Fi at Maryknoll may just be the last sure sign of the End Times.

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