Thursday, September 10, 2009

UPDATE: Petition & Goselin

IF NOTHING ELSE, the ePetition got guys talking at the happy hour and supper about something other than Derek Jeter or Joe Wilson shouting "You lie!" as President Obama spoke last night.

Email responses also seem to indicate guys want more time to think about this whole election thing and to discuss amongst ourselves what direction to take.

The only time we will be together as a region in the near future is at the regional retreat next month. This would be a perfect time to hold our discussion, provided voting is suspended by the Super G or no clear winner emerges after this round, which most likely will be the case.

More than one man expressed dissatisfaction with proceeding to the next round and eliminating names of those who got fewer votes.

Update on Fern: It seems Father Goselin was working on the Pachamama Farm yesterday. When he got off of the tractor, it started moving again. In his attempt to reboard, he pulled it over on himself. At last report, nothing was broken but he was pretty banged up. Keep him in your prayers.

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